Media Consent Terms
1) Consent Given
I consent to Goat Track Theatre Company Pty Ltd to use, record and disclose the individual's
image and soundor other recording;
copyrightmaterial (individual work); and
name of theindividual.
*NOTEif the individual is under 18 years of age, the person giving consent must be a parent and/or legal guardian of the individual. The individual must also consent to these terms and conditions. After they turn 18, the individual must submit a new consent form giving consent from that day forth.
2) Purpose
This consent applies to any use, recording or disclosure of the individuals name, recording or image, and individual work, in connection with the primary purpose and core business of Goat Track Theatre Pty Ltd, for the following purposes:
any activitiesengaged in during the ordinary course of Goat Track Theatre Company'soperational business;
performance ofindividuals and other purposes associated with the provision of Goat TrackTheatre Company's operational business;
publicrelations, promotion, advertising, media and commercial activities;
use by the mediain relation to activities that show the individual in a positive light,e.g. drama performances, workshops, audience engagement; and
any otheractivities, if any, identified in further schedules attached to thisConsent Form.
3) Duration
This consent will continue:
for anindividual under 18 years of age, until the individual turns 18; and
in any othercase, until the individual or employee revokes consent by writing to the COO/ CEO of Goat Track Theatre Company; and,
where more thanone of these events may apply, until the first event occurs.
Despite the above, if, at the time such an event occurs, if Goat Track Theatre Company uses the individual's name, recordings or images, or any individual work or name, or has entered into a contractual obligations in relation to that material, the consent will continue in relation to that material until the use by Goat Track Theatre Company is complete or until the contractual obligations come to an end.
4) Understandings
'USE' includes:
to create, makecopies of or reproduce or retain in any form, including by camera, video,or digital recorder, closed circuit television, mobile phone or any otherdevice; and,
to distribute,publish or communicate in any form, including in newsletters and otherprint or social media, television and the internet, in whole or in part,and to permit other persons to do so.
Goat TrackTheatre Company Pty Ltd will not pay the individual or the person givingconsent for the use of the individual's name, recording of image,individual work or personal information.
This ConsentForm revokes and replaces all previous consent forms.
Nothing in thisConsent Form limits the rights of Goat Track Theatre Company Pty Ltdreserve in relation to the use of the individual's name, recording orimage, copyright or other intellectual property under any other law.
"Goat TrackTheatre Company Pty Ltd" includes the management and employees ofGoat Track Theatre Pty Ltd engaged in performing these services for GoatTrack Theatre Company Pty Ltd.
5) Limitations
Limitations to the Consent Form must be clearly articulated prior to any engagement or services being carried out by Goat Track Theatre Company Pty Ltd.
6) Changes of Circumstances
In the instance that the individual or parent / guardian wishes to limit the consent or change the details outlined, the consent can be modified or withdrawn at anytime by writing to the COO / CEO of Goat Track Theatre Company Pty Ltd. However, any changes will apply only from the date that Goat Track Theatre Company Pty Ltd receives the letter stating the changes to consent. Verbal agreements will not be accepted until written correspondence is received. Any existing material will not be withdrawn from the use if Goat Track Theatre Pty Ltd is currently using the material or where Goat Track Theatre Company Pty Ltd has entered a contractual agreement in relation to the material. In such cases the withdrawal will be effective after Goat Track Theatre Company Pty Ltd's use is complete or after the contractual obligations come to an end.